
Set up a Love sign


Dear One, I did your research and found this: First off, I must tell you that I was touched by the feelings behind your question and the search for love that your heart has taken. And, further to that, I will explain some things to you, about the meaning of love partners.

The Twin Flame theory is not true. We do not split in half and spend the rest of our lives seeking the other half of who we are. Inside of each of us is masculine, feminine, and neutral or Soul energies. This does not split into two halves on incarnating to this plane. But, there are however, and many Soul Mate relationships possible for each of you. But, your question should read, 'will I find true love during this year'.

You can also find true love with a non soul mate partner that can be most wonderful. We often seek out old love mates, subconsciously seeking them, as there is old karmic ties there. In some ways this is good because we already know these people, but often we start a karmic relationship, to clean up old past life mistakes. Only 1 in 7,000 relationships is a true love relationship, and the rest are karmic in nature, and we are just cleaning up the old mistakes, and learning negative lessons. When the clean-up is complete, the couple usually divorces or separates.

Here is what I suggest to you. You show subconscious programming from childhood, on abandonment and other hurts, that block your own self love. This makes it most difficult to attract a caring, true love partner. At some point, I would recommend personal growth work to you, to free you from the old karmic bonds from the past, and to also vent old hurts from your past. For now, here is a suggestion for you:

How To Set-Up A Love Sign:
If you set-up a Love Sign to know when the right person appears, it makes the process of selecting a marriage partner, much easier. I heard this method at a spiritual seminar that I attended, several years ago and it does work. At the seminar, a woman explained to a large group of people, how she found her husband.

She was told, by Spirit, to set-up a sign to identify her right love partner. She selected 13 white feathers as her love sign. The number is important. If the love sign is too easy to find, it may not work. Shortly after that, she started to 'find' and receive white feathers. In letters, cards, on TV, and in junk mail. But, never 13 white feathers, always other numbers. At this same time, she had a best guy friend and he was making plans to go on vacation to New Zealand. While visiting there, in a remote village, he found a small curio shop. He bought her a card at the shop, and then mailed it to her. She received the little card before he returned home, and on the border of the card, were exactly 13 white feathers. She knew he was the one. They dated for over 6 months before she ever told him about the love-sign, as she was afraid to scare him off. When she did tell him, their love was already solid. A year later, they were married, and they are now happy and enjoying a loving, true love relationship.

It is very important to note, however, that she had done many years of spiritual work, and had cleared her negative programs, that were blocking a true love relationship. If you use this method, and still do not discover your true love partner, then there is most likely, more inner work to be done, and there are more blocks and programs to be removed. But, give this method a try, and set-up a love sign. It has worked for others, and it can work for you.

Ok, guys that above all written by
Whitneay T. Vanwells, for addition, according to my experience, signs is not really absolute right for us to hold tight.. I mean, that's good if we have signs to ensure our relationship..But , we must make sure, we must keep really praying seriously for His leading. Because, sometimes we still can not understand His signs accurately. Our thoughts sometimes does not click with His way. I think we must believe, that God knows everything better than us, right. Watch your signs. Honest to yourself. Ask someone more spiritual than you to help you to know Is it make sense for we can say it is quality signs, or it is not. Ok, success for you all.

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